[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner problem in Windows

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Dec 19 22:00:20 CET 2007

According to Patrick from the KDE 4 Windows team, KGoldrunner still does 
not work on that platform. I saw this during the kde-edu meeting. We 
tried to disable the code that delays rendering when there are resizing 
events, but according to Patrick the problem continues. What happens is 
that the game runs, but runners are not visible. The background renders. 
Does someone here have a KDE4-Windows environment to test on?

I think we should attempt to have a number of configs to test before the 
final 4.0 tagging, including if possible Win and OSX. These can help us 
uncover hidden issues that could bite us in the near future.

If no one has a Win-KDE4 setup to test, I will attempt to assemble one.

Mauricio Piacentini

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