[Kde-games-devel] KDE/kdegames/kshisen (now with the snapshot url!)

Jeremy Wick jwickers at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 09:55:17 CEST 2007


Some hacking later i managed to implement the user choice on multiple
way to match a couple of tile.
This will appear when needed : two blue paths will appear and you then
have to click on the one you want to perform.
This required some rewrite of the previous findPath and findSimplePath
methods, and a new class PossibleMove.

Now those methods return the count of possible moves found according
to the current options, and write them in a QList of PossibleMove.
This works nicely and doesn't break the previous behavior of course.

I also renamed the label for the Tiles can slide so that it explained
that the connection limit is down to 2 (instead of 3).
But if there are UI/usability expert feel free to suggest something
else, for now it is just so that other dev trying know things changed

There are a few points i will improve later. Please note that i am
going to Beijing tomorrow night so i won't see a computer from
Saturday night until Monday the 16th. So if someone wants to tackle
one of those points i won't bite :D

- a status bar indication for when the user has to chose the move he
wants, something like "click on the blue path corresponding to the
move you would like to perform" (but maybe shorter)
- more status bar feedback to indicate when user actions are limited
(to be consistent with the previous point). For example when a tile is
selected the user need to unselect it or click the matching tile, that
could be written there two. We can also write "Illegal move" or "You
can't match those tiles" ... you get the idea
- fix the Gravity option. When used with sliding tiles, there can more
than 2 columns to make fall down, so replace the two variables by a
Qlist of int.
- more difficulty : even set to hard, i notice the Boards have a lot
of matching tiles already side to side on start up...

Happy coding and nice week end !

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