[Kde-games-devel] KBoard

mauricio at tabuleiro.com mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Sep 27 12:31:16 CEST 2006

Hi, guys. I just build KBoard (the game, not to be confused with the
canvas class), and will be taking it on my machine to the Kdegames BoF.
Two words so far...



We will surely have more (good) feedback after the BoF.

Maurizio/Paolo: there is one dependancy (for building) not mentioned in
the INSTALL. Lua needs readline headers (development package). Also, I am
not sure about the KDE policy regarding the Boost dependancy, will have to
ask around. A couple of questions, if you do not mind:

a) Lua is built inline, right? I would love to use Lua as well for other
games. Just ported the KMahjongg file format to XML, but usin Lua
configuration files would be way faster and less error-prone.

Can you tell I am a big fan of Lua yet?

b) Just to confirm: Boost headers only in the building machine, nothing
required at runtime.

c) I assume we can get a copyright waiver (and a CC or similar license)
for all artwork and themes, right?

Mauricio Piacentini

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