[Kde-games-devel] KGameCanvas

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Mon Oct 2 04:50:31 CEST 2006

> The "while" thing should work anyway, because when an item is destroyed
> it is automatically removed from the abstract canvas (so the canvas does
> not hold a dangling pointer). On the other side, when an abstract canvas
> is destroyed, all its items are made "orphan" items (same as if
> putInCanvas(NULL) was called for eachitem), so that they do not point
> to a destroyed canvas, but they may be reused in another canvas (i don't
> know if this is useful, but who know).

It is probably useful on some scenario. Or at least there is no harm in 
having this option available.

> When i designed the canvas i did not put any memory management in it
> to make the design more clear, but if you think that an "autoDeleteItems"
> flag could be useful, it can be added with very little work.
> Or, you can just do:
> while ( ! items()->isEmpty() )
>     delete items()->first();

Or maybe qDeleteAll(items()), followed by m_items().clear. I had already 
implemented a clearAll in libkdegames, will just update it.

> note first instead of takeFirst. You should never modify the items
> list out of the
> canvas (to make design clear and keep things consistent), this is why 
> you get
> the constness error, but if you just simply delete an item it will be
> automatically
> removed from its list :)

K, thanks for the clarifications.


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