[Kde-games-devel] KSame status

Dennis P dennis_p at quicknet.nl
Mon Nov 13 00:15:24 CET 2006

Op zondag 12 november 2006 17:40, schreef Henrique Pinto:
> about SVG graphics

I have thought about SVG graphics for Ksame and came up with the following 
concept to make it cool:

SVG styleguide for Ksame by Dennis Pennekamp
Distribution license GPL2 or newer.

The objects to be clicked:
Hypnotically rotating spheres (affirming connected spheres) on mouse over.

Sphere texture:
Longitude lines, curved and vertical, with two color fills and no edges. 
Rotating like planet earth thus needing only a few frames for a continues 
rotation animation.

Cool addition effects: reflection of sphere texture on neighboring spheres.

o O o
1 2 3

1) alpha translucent mirror image, mimicking raytraced reflection to be 
overlayed on sphere on the right.
2) image of the sphere itself
3) alpha translucent mirror image, mimicking raytraced reflection to be 
overlayed on sphere on the left.

The reflection could also appear on the sphere above and below the designed 
sphere making 4 mirrored SVG images surrounding the SVG sphere design. The 
application would have to check if there is a sphere on one of the four sides 
of the application and if not turn off the reflection on that side.

Alternative tile set (for different level or user choice)
Streched S swirl longitude lines like on kid's playtime marbles.

Cool disappearing animation requiring programming and no additional artwork:
The disappearing spheres start rotating in reverse and shrink into oblivion. 
On a 2D plane the user can fantasize the spheres travel into the distance. 
But as we are not using perspective it's perhaps more like disappearing into 
an empty dimension like in that SF story Stranger in a strange land.

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