[Kde-games-devel] ping

Daren kdegames at spamguard.allmail.net
Thu Dec 14 22:01:27 CET 2006

Hi Ian,

(try again to post)

> And to Daren Sawkey, thanks so much for your work
> on KBackgammon, especially including a computer
> opponent.  I am taking the opportunity to learn the rules
> and how to play.  Is the opponent engine yours or GNU's?
> I got massacred of course, but at least managed to get
> a few pieces home, so was not "gammoned".  This is
> going to be a lot of fun!

I'm glad you appreciate it.

If the status bar says 'Open Board', then it is my engine. If it says
'Gnu Backgammon (Experimental)' then it is GNU. The value under
Move->Engine may be incorrect, because it is not updated until you press
'Change game type' (a bug). 

The open board engine does a few things wrong (imho): not bringing out
the back two checkers early enough, usually, and unnecessarily leaving
exposed blots when in a winning position. These should be easily
fixable. If anyone finds anything else wrong I'd appreciate hearing.
Mostly it's just a matter of playing and noticing the mistakes.

If you're just learning, make sure to read what to do with your opening
moves. There are definite correct choices.

Happy playing!  --  Daren.

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