[Kde-games-devel] ping

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Tue Dec 12 07:03:55 CET 2006

I've been having trouble getting messages to the list
in the last two weeks, so please excuse me, this is
just a test ... :-)

While I am here, congratulations Mauricio on getting
the new tiles into KShisen-Sho.  I really enjoyed
playing a game (or two :-)) and the new tiles are so
much clearer and easier to play with than the old.

And to Daren Sawkey, thanks so much for your work
on KBackgammon, especially including a computer
opponent.  I am taking the opportunity to learn the rules
and how to play.  Is the opponent engine yours or GNU's?

I got massacred of course, but at least managed to get
a few pieces home, so was not "gammoned".  This is
going to be a lot of fun!

All the best, Ian W.

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