[Kde-games-devel] Hilfe, bitte

Ian Wadham ianw at netspace.net.au
Sat Aug 26 04:28:17 CEST 2006

Well, the subject-line is about as far as my knowledge of
the German language goes :-), which is why I am looking
for help.

Later this year I would like to review and overhaul, maybe
re-write, the game engine for KGoldrunner.  Mainly I
would like to introduce recording, playback and demos
of actual play and the ability to save/restore a game at any
point in a level.  The game-state is too complex for that at

Most of that code was written by the original author, Marco
Krueger of Berlin (sorry, I can't seem to do an umlaut any
more).  Many of the comments are in German, often at the
most tricky parts of the code ... :-( so I am looking for some
kind person to translate them into English for me.

The files that need editing are kgoldrunner/src/kgrfigure.h and
kgoldrunner/src/kgrfigure.cpp, in KDE 4 trunk.  There are about
300 lines containing comments and about 25% are in German.

I hope someone can help.  All the best, Ian W.

PS. I can also say, "Haben sie ein zimmer frei?" :-)
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