[Kde-games-devel] KReversi: the current state of things

Inge Wallin inge at lysator.liu.se
Sat Oct 9 17:49:40 CEST 2004


I don't know how many of you are interested or even how many people read this 
list.  However, I have been hacking away at KReversi for some time and I just 
wanted to give a little status report.

I have now finished the conversion of KReversi into a proper Model/View 
program.  The code was pretty convoluted before, with no clear structre.  I 
think that it has that now, but I would be interested in your input.  I have 
created a file with the name DESIGN, that describes the structure and gives 
an overview of the classes.

I will now continue to add some features that are wishes at bugs.kde.org. Then 
I will continue with the original plan and make KReversi a KGame based 
program.  After that the big thing will be networked games between the user 
and another remote user.

Just a little question, though.  Is anybody interested in status reports like 
this?  Otherwise it seems like a wasted effort to make them.


Inge Wallin               | Thus spake the master programmer:               |
                          |      "After three days without programming,     |
inge at lysator.liu.se       |       life becomes meaningless."                |
                          | Geoffrey James: The Tao of Programming.         |

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