[Kde-games-devel] Cosmetic patch for kmahjongg

Médéric BOQUIEN mederic.boquien at laposte.net
Wed May 21 01:46:23 CEST 2003


Thank you for integrating my previous tiny patch. Here is another one. It is 
purely cosmetic. It permits to align vertically the titles in the highscores. 
Without this patch, "Name", "Score" and "Time" are lower than "Pos" and 
"Board". Default QT behaviour for alignment seems to work better. The diff is 
against HEAD from this evening.

Thank you in advance,


P.S : is there a document explaining how to make clean patches? I have checked 
patches from developpers on kde-devel and they seem more path independant. I 
fear mines can't always work as is.
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