[Kde-games-devel] Re: REKO cardsets for KDE cardgames?

blachner at gmx.de blachner at gmx.de
Fri Jun 13 10:03:12 CEST 2003

A I promised yesterday, below is a description of the REKO format. It is
taken from ftp://de.aminet.net/pub/aminet/util/dtype/sdiREKO-DT.lha and written
by DirkStöcker.


Here the REKO data format for all which want to know it. It should be
helpful if you want to support REKO cardsets in your own card games,
which is always a good idea I think.

A short note:
ULONG is unsigned 32 bit, UWORD is unsigned 16 bit and UBYTE is unsigned
8 bit data.

Amiga cardset structure:

The file consists of one information structure and the data for every card.

struct RekoHeader /* REKO file header */
  UBYTE rh_ID[4];
  ULONG rh_BodySize;	/* Motorola big endian format */
  ULONG rh_CardSize;	/* Motorola big endian format */
  UWORD rh_Height;	/* Motorola big endian format */
  UWORD rh_Width;	/* Motorola big endian format */
  ULONG rh_ModeID;	/* Motorola big endian format */
  UBYTE rh_Depth;
  UBYTE rh_CardsCnt;

There exists two big different card formats which are normal and HAM cards.

1) Normal card files:
  rh_ID			always "REKO"
  rh_BodySize		rh_CardSize*rh_CardsCnt+(1<<rh_Depth)*3
			FileSize-sizeof(struct RekoHeader)
  rh_CardSize		rh_Width * rh_Height * rh_Depth / 8
  rh_Width		88
  rh_ModeID		screen mode ID (HAM_KEY 0x800 indicates HAM mode)
  rh_Height		130
  rh_Depth		often 3,4,5,7 or 8
  rh_CardsCnt		normally 55, 59 or 68

First a palette is stored, which has 2^rh_Depth entries. Every entry
consists of 3 UBYTE values storing red, green and blue color (in that

The header is now followed by rh_CardsCnt cards of following format.

After that the bitmap's are stored line for line. This means first
comes the line with least significant bit (bitmap one) and last the
line with most significant bit (last bitmap). After that line two of
bitmap one to line two of last bitmap and it stops with last line of
last bitmap.
2) HAM card files:
  rh_ID			always "REKO"
  rh_BodySize		rh_CardSize*rh_CardsCnt+(1<<rh_Depth-2)*3
			FileSize-sizeof(struct RekoHeader)
  rh_CardSize		rh_Width * rh_Height * rh_Depth / 8
  rh_Width		88
  rh_ModeID		screen mode ID (HAM_KEY 0x800 indicates HAM mode)
  rh_Height		130
  rh_Depth		8 or 6
  rh_CardsCnt		normally 55, 59 or 68

First a palette is stored, which has 2^(rh_Depth-2) entries. Every
entry consists of 3 UBYTE values storing red, green and blue color
(in that order!)

The header is now followed by rh_CardsCnt cards of following format.

After that the bitmap's are stored line for line. This means first
comes the line with least significant bit (bitmap one) and last the
line with most significant bit (last bitmap). After that line two of
bitmap one to line two of last bitmap and it stops with last line of
last bitmap.

The difference is this rh_Depth-2! HAM mode uses 2 bitplanes for
"Hold And Modify". The 2 most significant bits have a special
meaning. They allow 4 possibilities:
 value 0 The pixel color is taken from palette. The Bits 0..5
         are the index in palette table.
 value 1 The color is taken from previous pixel in this line and
         the blue value is replaced by the Bits 0..5 (shift 2 bits
         to left).
 value 2 The color is taken from previous pixel in this line and
         the red value is replaced by the Bits 0..5 (shift 2 bits
         to left).
 value 3 The color is taken from previous pixel in this line and
         the green value is replaced by the Bits 0..5 (shift 2 bits
         to left).

As there exists no previous pixel at first position in line, the
previous pixel in that case gets background color (color register 0).
This restarts every line!

3) order of cards:
card 1		REKO production card
card 2		empty card
card 3		back of the cards
cards 4..7	aces, all cards in order clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades
cards 8..55	4 cards of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K
cards 56..59	4 stack background cards (left to right)
cards 60..68	preferences cards
		General, Prefs, Resolution, Select, Miscellaneous,
		Music, Level, Confirm, About

PC cardset structure:

The file consists of one information structure and the data for every card.

struct PCRekoHeader
  UBYTE rh_ID[6];
  UBYTE rh_ID2[2];
  ULONG rh_BodySize;	/* Intel little endian format */
  ULONG rh_CardSize;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD rh_Width;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD rh_Height;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UBYTE rh_Depth;
  UBYTE rh_CardsCnt;

There exists the two different file types 8 bit dynamic palette or 16bit.
Note that width, height, cardscount and thus cardsize or bodysize may be
different, but the calculation rules are correct.

1) Data of 8bit dynamic palette files:
  rh_ID			always "PCREKO"
  rh_ID2		"D "
  rh_BodySize		681492
			FileSize-sizeof(struct PCRekoHeader) = 681514-22
  rh_CardSize		11440
  			rh_Width * rh_Height * rh_Depth / 8
  rh_Width		88
  rh_Height		130
  rh_Depth		8
  rh_CardsCnt		57

The header is now followed by rh_CardsCnt cards of following format

struct PCCard8
  UWORD c_Width;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD c_Height;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD c_Colors[256];	/* Intel little endian format */
  UBYTE c_Data[];

The c_Width and c_Height repeat the rh_Width and rh_Height information
lowered by 1!

The c_Data field holds rh_Width*rh_Height bytes which refer to a color
in the c_Colors table. The c_Colors table contains 15/16bit color data
in a format described below.

2) Data of 16bit files:
  rh_ID			always "PCREKO"
  rh_ID2		"\0\0"
  rh_BodySize		1304388
			FileSize-sizeof(struct PCRekoHeader) = 1304410-22
  rh_CardSize		22880
  			rh_Width * rh_Height * rh_Depth / 8
  rh_Width		88
  rh_Height		130
  rh_Depth		16
  rh_CardsCnt		57

The header is now followed by rh_CardsCnt cards of following format

struct PCCard16
  UWORD c_Width;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD c_Height;	/* Intel little endian format */
  UWORD c_Data[];	/* Intel little endian format */

The c_Width and c_Height repeat the rh_Width and rh_Height information
lowered by 1!

The c_Data field holds rh_Width*rh_Height words of 15/16bit color data
in a format described below.

3) The picture data format:
The color information is 15 bit data stored in 16 bit. This means the most
significant bit is unused. The data is stored line for line in little
endian Intel format starting with top left edge to bottom right edge. This
is normally called chunky format.

Bit  0.. 4	blue value
Bit  5.. 9	green value
Bit 10..14      red value

To get 8 bit RGB data, all these values must be shifted 3 bits to the left.

4) order of cards:
card 1		back of the cards
cards 2..5	aces, all cards in order clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades
cards 6..53	4 cards of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K
cards 54..57	4 stack background cards (left to right)

blachner at gmx.de

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