[Kde-games-devel] Re: REKO cardsets for KDE cardgames?

Bernd Lachner blachner at gmx.de
Sat Jun 7 18:28:16 CEST 2003

O.K. First, I don't want replace the current card format (png) by the REKO 
format, but I want make this card format usable by KDE card games too.

I have already some Java classes for reading and showing the REKO cardsets. It 
is not a great problem to rewrite this classes in C++ for Qt/KDE.

The problem is, how can I make this cardsets usable for the KDE card games 
too. As far I can see many (all?) KDE card games uses the kcarddialog for 
loading the cards. But this dialog gives not the images, for example as a 
QImage, back to the games but it gives file and directory names back.

But this is not possible with the REKO format, because there are no separate 
files for a card.

Maybe the solution could be a kioslave as proposed from Rob Kaper. I think a 
KIO slave for the reko card format can offer the cards inside a REKO file as 
png files. The kcarddialog than can give file and directory names of this 
"virtual" png files back to the games. In this way the REKO files must not be 
converted and the card games must not be changed.

I have some experience with Qt and KDE programming but not with kio. But I 
will read the kio tutorial. As I said before, the REKO format is not the 
problem, because I can rewrite my Java classes easy in C++. And I think learn 
something about kio slaves would be nice.

What do you think? Is a kio slave a good solution?

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