[Kde-games-devel] Multiplayer in KDE games

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Mon Dec 15 20:38:11 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 15 December 2003 08:54, Andreas Røsdal wrote:
> I'd like to add TCP/IP multiplayer support to some of the games in the
> kdegames package. There are several games that could benefit from this,
> such as KSpaceDuel, KTron, KJumpingcube, Konquest. Is there any interest
> in doing this?

it would be a nice addition, i think. as Mathieu already pointed out, you may 
want to look into kgame

> I'm new to KDE development. Do you have any special guidelines, eg. a
> strict codingstyle that I should know about?

coding style is decided on largley by the author of the application. stick 
with the style in the code you modify and all should be good....

there's lots of great information to be had at http://developer.kde.org 
including full API references and several tutorials.

> Where do I send patches, if I  begin doing this?

to the maintainer of the game (usually in the application's About Box), or to 
this appropriate devel list (e.g. kde-games-devel) 

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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