[Kde-games-devel] Re: Game accels in KStdAccel

Ellis Whitehead kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:06:27 +0100

Hi Nicolas,

On Saturday 21 December 2002 17:10, Nicolas Hadacek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to add some game accels (like EndGame, Pause, RollDice, Hint, ...)
> to KStdAccel list in its own sub-group. I think it makes sense. What do you
> think ?
> cu,
> Nicolas

This sounds like a good idea in principle, but it would first require a 
re-design of the shortcut assignment dialog.   The problem has to do with 
shortcut conflicts.  Currently there is no way to permit certain accelerators 
to have the same shortcut -- so lets say we have a group for games with F6 as 
the shortcut for pause (since CTRL+P is already used by Print, and Space or P 
are probably too general): now we can't use F6 as a shortcut in another 
unrelated group, such as Graphics applications.

I'll put it on my TO-DO list, however.  In the control center we could have a 
third tab for "Application-Specific Shortcuts", and there conflicts would 
only be searched for within the same group.  Any other suggests are welcome 

I don't think that KStdAccel itself is the proper place for 
application-specific shortcuts though.  Instead we could have KStdAccel 
methods which return pointers to alternate StdAccel groups, and use a 
notation like
in order to access them.


P.S.  Please CC me for replies.