[Kde-games-devel] Re: Moving Toys into Games in the K Menu

Josef Spillner kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:18:29 +0200

On Monday 22 April 2002 14:45, Thomas Diehl wrote:
> If you really don't care about nesting and everybody else agrees (which
> I wouldn't expect) make an extra entry like "Leisure" or some such and
> put submenues like "games" and "toys & trifles" in there.

That's not ideal either since you would then have to traverse 3 sub menus=
launch a game (4 for some of ours ;) while launching say kword does only =
1 sub menu.
At least the tea cooker can be regarded as a utily, while Amor and such c=
be Games/misc.

When viewing a bit in the future, we'll see games which come with several=
entries, for the game itself, maybe a level editor and whatnot. We certai=
don't want those cluttered windows-like menus where each application has =
5 or=20
more entries, favorably anything useless like a README or LICENSE file, b=
in general this may (will) happen, and nesting all games one level deeper=
IMO not a good idea.

I could also imagine an extended help menu, with entries for khelpcenter =
kandalf's tips, and some kind of beginner's guide, but I think that's jus=
t me=20


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