Does FreeBSD have HAL?

Dwayne MacKinnon dmk at
Sun Jan 5 00:34:49 GMT 2020


So, when I run your qdbus comand, I get this message:

Service 'org.freedesktop.HalManager' does not exist.

However, HAL has been compiled and is running on my system:

[dwayne at Chiron ~]$ ps axww | grep hal
1257  -  Ss      0:16.32 /usr/local/sbin/hald
1258  -  I       0:00.09 hald-runner
1286  -  IW      0:00.00 hald-addon-mouse-sysmouse: /dev/ums0 (hald-addon-
1308  -  S       0:05.16 hald-addon-storage: /dev/cd0 (hald-addon-storage)
5495  -  S       0:01.78 hald-addon-storage: /dev/da0 (hald-addon-storage)
5500  -  S       0:01.66 hald-addon-storage: /dev/da1 (hald-addon-storage)

Hope this helps a bit.


(Running FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE amd64)

On Saturday, January 4, 2020 12:16:30 P.M. EST David Faure wrote:
> solid/src/CMakeLists.txt offers the option to use "UDisks2/bsdisks backend
> instead of HAL to manage disk devices" on FreeBSD, but OFF by default.
> So the default is the HAL backend, which however completely fails on CI:
> olid/job/kf5-qt5%20FreeBSDQt5.13/52/testReport/projectroot/autotests/halbasi
> ctest/ basically says that org.freedesktop.Hal is not running (on the system
> bus)
> FreeBSD users: does `qdbus --system org.freedesktop.HalManager` work for
> you? If it does, any idea what should be done on the CI to make that work
> there?
> I'm really hoping for fully-green unittests one day, but FreeBSD isn't
> really helping with that :-)

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