FreeBSD Port: py27-qt5-core / Py36-qt5-core

D.-C. M. my-roaming-data at
Tue Mar 27 20:44:49 UTC 2018


At this moment, it is impossible to build side by side py27-qt5-core and py36-qt5-core.

There is a collison on /usr/local/bin/pyuic

This is annoying… Python 27 is still the default, but become quite old now.

So, some ports as

www/qutebrowser (a very interesting fast and lighweight browser)

require py36-qt5-core

And I can’t install

which requires py27-qt5-core
I have tried to modify Makefile to try to build calibre-ebook port versus py36, but there seems to be a hard dependency to Python 27, as

www/py-mechanize does not not exist in py36 flavor

I would guess that it could be possible to differentiate the name of binary

According to Py27 / Py36 flavor, with some strap.
In fact, most of py27-xx/py36-xx can build side by side, but not py-qt5-core


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