[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] branches/qt-5.5/QT

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jan 22 21:35:03 UTC 2016

SVN commit 11854 by rakuco:

QT: New port, x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin.

Starting with Qt 5.5, the uiplugin code was split out of its previous
location inside Qt Designer itself (see commit 7d4149e61, "move ui loader
interfaces to own module", in the qttools upstream repository). This is a
header-only port with no associated libraries.

This allows users to do something like "QT += uiplugin" in qmake without
that pulling in the entirety of Qt Designer. For this to work for ports
users, we need to have a separate port for uiplugin, otherwise the
qt5-designer port would still be required.

Adjust the dependencies in both devel/qt5-designer and devel/qt5-uitools so
that the new port is pulled in as a dependency, since it is listed as a
dependency in their .pri module files.

This fixes the build for databases/sqlitestudio and editors/texstudio, as
they both had "QT += uitools" in their build system, which required

 M  +7 -3      Mk/bsd.qt.mk  
 M  +1 -1      devel/qt5-designer/Makefile  
 M  +0 -12     devel/qt5-designer/pkg-plist  
 M  +1 -1      devel/qt5-uitools/Makefile  
 A             x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin (directory)  
 AM            x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin/Makefile  
 A             x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin/files (directory)  
 AM            x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin/files/patch-src__src.pro  
 AM            x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin/files/patch-src_designer_src_src.pro  
 AM            x11-toolkits/qt5-uiplugin/pkg-plist  

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