[kde-freebsd] paint text into the background image

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Fri Jan 15 13:46:22 UTC 2016

On Friday 08 January 2016 17:01:57 Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to paint some text into the background of KDE4, for
> example: 11-CURRENT r292778, ports December 30.

That sounds like an excellent job for a plasmoid. That would be independent of 
the wallpaper, too.

I think there was some kind of dynamic wallpaper at one point -- I never used 
it -- which you might also look into.

In either case: how are you going to get the information you want to display? 
Something like uname -v, but how do you intend to say "ports December 30"?


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