[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sat Feb 6 00:40:14 UTC 2016

SVN commit 11909 by rakuco:

Remove svn:mergeinfo from some subtrees that had only merged old subdirectories.

We can likely remove more, but in this commit I am only removing svn:mergeinfo
from those files and directories that only have mergeinfos from branches that
will not be worked on anymore (old Qt4/Qt5 work branches, old KDE 4.8x branches

Doing so allows us to do merged more easily, as subtree merges are generally
frowned upon and cause a lot of pain.

 D             svn:mergeinfo  
 _M            KDE (directory)  
 _M            KDE/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-cmake_modules_FindKdcraw.cmake  
 _M            KDE/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-cmake_modules_FindKipi.cmake  
 _M            KDE/x11/kdelibs4/files/patch-cmake_modules_PythonMacros.cmake  
 _M            MOVED-area51  
 _M            PYQT/devel/py-qt4-core/files/patch-configure.py  

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