[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/PORTS/devel/xsd

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Sep 6 22:25:55 UTC 2015

SVN commit 11435 by rakuco:

xsd: Merge r396237 from ports.

Update to 4.0.0.

- Get rid of most of our patches: all the build fix patches are now
  unneeded, and the only ones we still have in files/ are there to either
    rename the xsd binary or install files into the right locations.

- Get rid of most bundled dependencies: use devel/build instead of the
  bundled copy, and libcutl via devel/libcutl. The only exception is
  libxsd-frontend, simply because its upstream is too horrible: it does not
  even contain a `make install' target.

- Expand the LICENSE part: the port is GPLv2-licensed, but also contains
  exceptions to allow its use with most free software licenses.

- Set CPPFLAGS, not CXXFLAGS, as the former's where we normally pass
  additional include paths.

 M  +27 -30    Makefile  
 M  +2 -2      distinfo  
 A             files (directory)  
 AM            files/patch-xsd_doc_makefile  
 AM            files/patch-xsd_doc_xsd.1  
 AM            files/patch-xsd_doc_xsd.xhtml  
 AM            files/patch-xsd_libxsd_makefile  
 AM            files/patch-xsd_xsd_makefile  
 M  +61 -16    pkg-plist  

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