[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/PORTS/devel/cmake/files

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Mon Aug 10 17:57:55 UTC 2015

SVN commit 11036 by rakuco:

cmake: Merge r385307 from ports.

r385307 | rakuco | 2015-05-03 21:36:02 +0200 (Sun, 03 May 2015) | 11 lines

Set LIBLZMA_INCLUDE_DIR and LIBLZMA_LIBRARY in the initial cache.

Do it so that we can hardcode these variables to point to base's liblzma,
otherwise the liblzma.so installed by archivers/lzmalib will be chosen if
present and the configuration process will fail.

This is done only so that `make configure' works, as liblzma is only used if
we build CMake's bundled libarchive.

MFH:            2015Q2

 M  +10 -0     InitialCache.cmake  

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