[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/QT/www/webkit-qt5

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Thu Nov 20 21:40:28 UTC 2014

SVN commit 10475 by rakuco:

webkit-qt5: Merge r372956 from ports.

r372956 | rakuco | 2014-11-20 22:25:02 +0200 (Thu, 20 Nov 2014) | 14 lines

Stop installing libplatformplugin.so.

That is an example plugin that is not supposed to be built and installed by
default. Its sole purpose is to be an example of how to write a plugin, and
it does so by making <select> elements show up in a separate dialog. We
definitely do not want that. As a bonus, it allows us to remove some of the
hacks we do in the pre-configure target.

While here:
- Improve the comment about why we change ALL_TARGET.
- Remove the weird CONFIGURE_ENV change we did that does not seem to be
  necessary anymore. I could not find any explanation for why it was added
  in the first place.

 M  +2 -11     Makefile  
 AM            files/patch-Source__QtWebKit.pro  
 M  +0 -1      pkg-plist  

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