[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/PYQT/devel

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 15 23:08:43 UTC 2014

SVN commit 10135 by rakuco:

PYQT: Only extract dbus/ for py-qt4-dbussupport.

Instead of using a sed hack to ignore the DBus detection on all PyQt4 ports
except for py-qt4-dbussuport, just use the fact that configure-ng.py's
check_dbus() exits early if the dbus/ directory is not present.

In other words, we now avoid extracting dbus/ from the tarball unless we are
building py-qt4-dbussupport.

 M  +0 -8      py-qt4-core/files/patch-configure-ng.py  
 M  +0 -4      py-qt4-dbussupport/Makefile  
 M  +7 -0      py-qt4/bsd.pyqt.mk  

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