[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/PYQT/devel/py-sip

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 8 10:17:18 UTC 2014

SVN commit 10114 by rakuco:

py-sip: Set PYTHON_PY3K_PLIST_HACK to adjust the plist for Python >= 3.2.0.

Since this port does not use distutils/setuptools and we manually generate
the .pyc/.pyo files, we need to set PYTHON_PY3K_PLIST_HACK so that the cache
files end up in the right directory if Python >= 3.2.0 is used due to

PR:		188150

 M  +2 -1      Makefile  

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