[kde-freebsd] tmux and konsole characters

Polytropon freebsd at edvax.de
Sun Feb 3 17:14:30 UTC 2013

On Sun, 03 Feb 2013 11:54:16 -0500, Andre Goree wrote:
> On a related note, I guess I can set LANG=en_US.UTF-8 in my .bashrc and
> have that as my default, no?

As far as I remember, login.conf is the file to set this, but
you can basically set environmental variables wherever you want.
For example, I have a system where I set them globally in the
C-Shell configuration, so all shells (even non-csh-shells like
bash) inherit the settings. Example from /etc/csh.cshrc:

	setenv LC_ALL          en_US.UTF-8
	setenv LC_MESSAGES     en_US.UTF-8
	setenv LC_COLLATE      de_DE.UTF-8
	setenv LC_CTYPE        de_DE.UTF-8
	setenv LC_MONETARY     de_DE.UTF-8
	setenv LC_NUMERIC      de_DE.UTF-8
	setenv LC_TIME         de_DE.UTF-8
	setenv LANG            de_DE.UTF-8

Note that this creates a "settings conglomerate" from english
and german settings which looks stupid, but works (and is therefor
intended, or at least accepted as being established). :-)

Note the correct language prefix: en_US (as there's also en_GB).

> Any nuances on en_US.UTF-8 vs. ISO8859?

As soon as you have "non-standard" characters (like german umlauts)
encoded in ISO8859-1 (the default for this region) they won't show
up properly in UTF-8 (just as UTF-8 encoded umlauts will not show
up properly in a ISO8859-1 terminal session).

> I've never really ever needed to deal with locales before, but I believe
> UTF-8 offers more characters, no?

It offers many more, and especially if you're dealing with "inter-
national documents", it seems to be the best way to go at the
moment. For example, I had to work on a document containing
german umlauts and chinese characters, so UTF-8 was the solution
to have all of them properly displayed and editable.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...

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