[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/KDE/sysutils/nepomuk-core/files

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Tue Dec 10 21:34:22 UTC 2013

SVN commit 9804 by rakuco:

Add a few commits of mine to improve things.

- patch-libnepomukcore__service__service2.cpp makes the services actually
  start even if the priority lowering calls fail (which is the case since at
  the moment some of them are Linux-specific).

- patch-tools__nepomukctl__main.cpp makes nepomukctl stop crashing every
  time when libcxxrt is used (ie. FreeBSD >= 10).

 AM            patch-libnepomukcore__service__service2.cpp  
 AM            patch-tools__nepomukctl__main.cpp  

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