[kde-freebsd] area51 some problems

Alex V. Petrov alexvpetrov at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 15:20:51 UTC 2013

KDE 4.11.4

root at alex:/home/alex # ps -ax| grep nepom
 1972  -  I       0:00,02 kdeinit4: kdeinit4: nepomukserver (kdeinit4)
38626  -  I       0:01,11 /usr/local/kde4/bin/akonadi_nepomuk_feeder
--identifier akonadi_nepomuk_feeder

root at alex:/home/alex # ps -ax | grep virt
27342  2  S+      0:00,00 grep virt

root at alex:/home/alex # pkg info | grep virtuoso
virtuoso-6.1.6_1               Universal SQL/Application Server

In "Config Nepomuk" all enabled, but:
"Desktop search services are active",
"Detail" shows:
Files and Emails Calculating, but shows nothing

"File indexing service not running"

"Email Indexing service is suspended"

"Manual Backup" says:
Nepomuk does not seem to be running. Backups cannot be handled without it.

2013/12/9 Raphael Kubo da Costa <rakuco at freebsd.org>

> "Alex V. Petrov" <alexvpetrov at gmail.com> writes:
> > 2. I have a long time in KDE4 built from AREA51 Nepomuk does not work.
> > This is a known problem or it just me?
> Can you elaborate?
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Alex V. Petrov
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