[kde-freebsd] calligra and kde

Alberto Villa avilla at FreeBSD.org
Sat Dec 7 22:34:11 UTC 2013

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 9:27 PM, Ajtim <lumiwa at gmail.com> wrote:
> I did /path/to/area51/Tools/scripts/kdemerge -o /usr/ports which supposed to
> update calligra than I run portmaster editors/calligra and because calligra
> want llvm32 still I idn't want to install it and I press "n". And it is
> okay.

Deselect GTL option to avoid llvm32 dependency. It will go away with
Calligra 2.8 (removed upstream).

> Bot now after portsnap fethc update and run portmaster -a I got:
> ===>>> The following actions will be taken if you choose to proceed:
> Upgrade analitza-4.11.3 to analitza-4.11.4
> But when I look in distinfo there is still kde 4.1.13 I am running FreeBSD
> 10.0-BETA4.

`kdemerge -o ...` also syncs bsd.kde4.mk, which currently has
KDE4_VERSION set to 4.11.4. You didn't sync KDE/ though, so no KDE
port was actually updated. I think I could make kdemerge a bit smarter
so that it only updates CALLIGRA_VERSION in that occasion.

By the way, I'm not sure KDE 4.11.4 is ready.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>

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