[kde-freebsd] databases/akonadi MAKE_JOBS_SAFE?

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Aug 11 11:02:15 UTC 2013

Schaich Alonso <alonsoschaich at fastmail.fm> writes:

> Hello
> I have just repeatably managed to build databases/akonadi with
> MAKE_JOBS_SAFE on a 2-core Core-i5 and a (total of) 12 core Xeon-e5
> system. A quick look at the commit log shows that the MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE
> flag was added to akonadi more than a year ago, so whatever (cmake?)
> broke the parallel build process might have been fixed so far.

I'd give it a try again and remove MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE. IIRC only the
FreeBSD package cluster with 1 billion cores hit that problem in the
past, and it wouldn't hurt to see if we can make it work now.

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