[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] branches/qt-5.0/QT/devel/qmake5

Alberto Villa avilla at FreeBSD.org
Fri Nov 23 01:11:18 UTC 2012

SVN commit 8725 by avilla:

- Pass CFLAGS and friends via CONFIGURE_ENV to ensure that QMake is
  built with them (a patch for configure was also needed). That's
  because I don't want to change default CFLAGS in qmake.conf files.
  Also, all other Qt ports automatically use CFLAGS from
- Define BUILD_WRKSRC instead of WRKSRC, as we want to run the main
- Add code to select the correct mkspec based on CC/CXX. This will be
  used to build all other Qt modules; I'll add a pkg-message to warn
  people that they need to rebuild QMake to change Qt compiler, unless
  they want to play with black magic (redefining QMAKESPEC).
- Rename some tools (moc, qdoc...) in their *.pr(f|i) files, so that
  they'll use the correct name when used by QMake (no more patching
  required for pkgconfig files, and some more goodies).
- Patch CMake-related QMake module to install *.cmake files in
  lib/cmake. pkgconfig path can't be adjusted as it's calculated
  internally by QMake, so it's better to just keep patching Makefiles.

Log for first commit following.

- Remove custom build system for QMake; with a simple patch (forcing
  ./configure to exit after configuring QMake) we can use Qt's own
  build system. It looks like the end result doesn't change.

 M  +42 -15    Makefile  
 A             files/patch-configure  
 D             files/patch-mkspecs-order.diff  
 A             files/patch-mkspecs-paths-order.diff   files/patch-mkspecs-order.diff#8722
 A             files/patch-mkspecs__features__create_cmake.prf  
 M  +649 -742  pkg-plist  

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