[kde-freebsd] akonadi/kdepim

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 27 14:22:25 UTC 2012

"JoaoBR" <joao at matik.com.br> writes:

> I hope somebody knows ...
> supposed I do not use nothing from kdepim and delete pim and its libs from
> the system
> then can I delete akonadi/nepomik and related stuff also? also mysql?

Akonadi is usually only needed by the PIM stuff -- you might want to
leave it installed if you keep at least kdepimlibs around. Nepomuk is
being increasingly required by more and more parts of the KDE ecosystem;
remember to recompile kdelibs and other parts if you do disable it.

MySQL is used by Amarok, Digikam and friends IIRC, and also as the
default datastore for Akonadi.

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