[kde-freebsd] compiler selection problem with new qt

Dima Panov fluffy at fluffy.khv.ru
Tue Jun 12 12:09:34 UTC 2012

12.06.2012 16:42, Andriy Gapon написал:
> on 11/06/2012 09:17 Dima Panov said the following:
>> 11.06.2012 8:33, Andriy Gapon написал:
>>> I think that I am seeing a new compiler selection problem while upgrading to the
>>> new Qt.
>>> The following seems to be the cause.
>>> share/qt4/mkspecs/freebsd-g++46/qmake.conf has these directives:
>>> ...
>>> QMAKE_CC = gcc46
>>> QMAKE_CXX = g++46
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> include(../common/g++-unix.conf)
>>> ...
>>> And share/qt4/mkspecs/common/g++-unix.conf has this:
>>> ...
>>> include(g++-base.conf)
>>> ...
>>> But share/qt4/mkspecs/common/g++-base.conf has these:
>>> ...
>>> QMAKE_CC = gcc
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> QMAKE_CXX = g++
>>> ...
>>> In the end QMAKE_CC/QMAKE_CXX get set to gcc/g++.
>> It was fixed in hackish-way in area51 by myself. (QT/devel/qmake4). try it.
>> If it will works for you, i'll commit it to portstree
> What's hackish about that (assuming we talk about
> http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/QT/devel/qmake4/files/patch-qt4-before-ports-in-mkspecs.diff
> ) ? :-)
> It seems to be completely correct.  I tried and it works.
> Thank you.
Ouch. It was broken when ${CC}=="" (so, by default wih base gcc)
Fixed now in ports and area51

Dima Panov (fluffy at FreeBSD.org)
(KDE, Office)@FreeBSD team

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