[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] branches tags trunk

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jun 3 17:20:59 UTC 2012

SVN commit 8276 by rakuco:

House cleaning.

Remove old directories from trunk (old scripts and things that have
not been updated since ~2005), branches (old stuff with no clear
purpose) and old tags.

 D             branches/miwi-nodebug (directory)  
 D             branches/old-stuff (directory)  
 D             tags/DATE_20020901 (directory)  
 D             tags/DATE_20021026 (directory)  
 D             tags/DATE_20021027 (directory)  
 D             tags/KDE_3_1_2_RELEASE (directory)  
 D             tags/kde-4.1.85 (directory)  
 D             tags/kde-4.4.2 (directory)  
 D             tags/start (directory)  
 D             trunk/CVSROOT (directory)  
 D             trunk/devdocs (directory)  
 D             trunk/ports (directory)  
 D             trunk/scripts (directory)  
 D             trunk/snapshots (directory)  

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