[kde-freebsd] [CFT] kde-games fix for (invalid shared segment parameter)

Alberto Villa avilla at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 24 07:50:02 UTC 2012

On Thursday 19 April 2012 15:01:59 Alberto Villa wrote:
> On Monday 12 March 2012 12:57:07 Alberto Villa wrote:
> > I still have some repaint problems (window
> > titles lag a bit when changing), but I won't give up until they're
> > fixed.
> Just to note that with Qt 4.8.1 + KDE SC 4.8.2 this problem disappeared.

It's back again. I'm quite sure it's due to hinting of unhinted Oxygen font 
(by the way, I have a port ready for it): the problem disappeared when I was 
using the autohinted version, but now that I rolled back (better results with 
the unhinted one) It's the same as before. I'll see if there is any solution, 
but it's not that bad anyway (It's definitely better to have clear fonts that 
solving this little annoyance).
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>

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