[kde-freebsd] [CFT] KDE 4.7.1: amd64 packages now available

Alberto Villa avilla at freebsd.org
Mon Sep 26 17:16:24 UTC 2011

At last, we started shipping packages – amd64 only – to help with the CFT 
announced last week. If you’re one of those who want to test the 
incoming KDE, but don’t want to build it all from source, follow these 

1. make sure you have a working X.Org installed (with a graphic driver, 
2. read UPDATING-area51 -
http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/UPDATING-area51 - and apply the 
pkg_delete and mv steps;
3. set PACKAGEROOT to http://packages.FreeBSD.kde.org;
4. use pkg_add -r/portmaster/portupgrade/<your favourite tool> to 
install or upgrade KDE;
5. if you’re using a recent -CURRENT (after libraries soversion bump), 
adjust your libmap.conf(5).

Not all the packages were generated, only the kde4, kdebindings4 and 
kde4-l10n sets. The few remaining ones (i.e., those not installed by 
default by those targets, like print/system-config-printer-kde) can still 
be built from ports. Should you want more details, the ports tree we used 
was checked out on September 12 at 19:54.

Feedback is very welcome, especially on the packages and their 
shipment, as we’d like to improve this service for future CFTs to make 
them faster and usable by more users. A big “thank you” goes to Li-Wen 
Hsu (lwhsu@) for setting up the repository and taking care of all the 
tasks needed to host and serve the packages.

Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>

Kennedy's Market Theorem:
	Given enough inside information and unlimited credit,
	you've got to go broke.
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