[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/KDE/misc/kdeedu4
Alberto Villa
avilla at FreeBSD.org
Thu Oct 20 18:49:25 UTC 2011
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Max Brazhnikov <makc at issp.ac.ru> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 04:34:45 -0700 (PDT), Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
>> SVN commit 7750 by rakuco:
>> kdeedu4: Experiment with disabling kalzium by default.
>> It depends on avogadro and will pull in GCC from ports, which might be
>> overkill for most users.
>> Guys, what do you think?
I think it's justified because of the dependency on GCC. Let's not
start turning off all the OPTIONS, though. So far, I've been disabling
stuff depending on kdebindings (iirc), and this one sounds good too.
But if you're installing a whole KDE module, you should get - mostly -
what it's supposed to ship.
> I was always wondering why people install x11/kde4 instead of installing
> kdebase* ports and choosing what they need from other ports. Maybe we should
> disable all options in x11/kde4 or create x11/kde4-minimum?
I install x11/kde4 because i don't want to have hundreds of leaf
ports; others do because they don't want to dig into /usr/ports to
find programs they probably aren't even aware of. I think I agree on a
kde4-lite port, even if it would just install x11/kde4-* ports, so
it's not that useful. But I find extremely wrong trimming down
x11/kde4 and module ports to the minimum: if you're installing the
kde4 package, you should get everything; if you go from ports, then
you can trim it down by hand.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>
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