[kde-freebsd] ucred

ajtiM lumiwa at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 11:34:01 UTC 2011


My system: 
9.0-RC2 FreeBSD 9.0-RC2 #0: Sat Nov 12 18:09:11 UTC 2011     
root at obrian.cse.buffalo.edu:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC  i386

I installed KDE 4.7.3 which works but when I build it I got a "failed" when I 
ran make in kde4-workspace:
Check for size of struct ucred
Check size of struct ucred - failed

Is this "failed" maybe related with the problem which I have:
all the the time after I start KDE I have a folder .config in the root file 
system "/" not just in user directory or in the /root. And in the directory is 
file Trolltech.conf which has:
0, i386 usr/local/share/qt4/mkspecs/freebsd g++-4 full-config, 201
usr\local\kde4\lib\kde4\plugins\kauth\helper\kauth_helper_plugin.so=40704, 0, 
i386 usr/local/share/qt4/mkspecs/freebsd g++-4 full-config, 2011-

Thanks in advance.


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