[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51/PORTS/misc

Max Brazhnikov makc at freebsd.org
Thu Jan 6 21:23:07 CET 2011

SVN commit 6906 by makc:

Add new port misc/nepomukcontroller:

Nepomukcontroller is a small systray applet that allows you to
suspend and resume the Nepomuk file indexer.

The systray was removed from KDE 4.6 to be ported to a stand-alone
app which was not finished before the feature freeze. Thus, this
applet will be merged back into kdebase for KDE 4.7. In the meantime
you can use it from here.

WWW:	http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=137088

 A             nepomukcontroller (directory)  
 A             nepomukcontroller/Makefile  
 A             nepomukcontroller/distinfo  
 A             nepomukcontroller/pkg-descr  

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