[kde-freebsd] Re: 4.5.2 behaviour

Jason E. Hale bsdkaffee at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 12:15:36 CEST 2010

On Sunday, October 17, 2010 22:18:39 Dwayne MacKinnon wrote:
> Hi all,
> Noticed two odd things with 4.5.2
> 1) Dolphin freezes up on me. A lot. After a minute or so it unfreezes.
I have noticed this as well.  Dolphin will freeze almost any time I try to 
open a file by double-clicking on it.  Then it will take a few seconds to 
actually open the file.  It also will crash within a matter of minutes of even 
slight use.  I think it has something to do with the file polling, but I 
haven't had time to investigate.  It wasn't very stable in KDE 4.5.1 either.

> 2) kwin goes nuts when I play video of any kind. It basically takes over
> one of my CPU cores completely.
I haven't seen this, but the Xorg process will eat up CPU if the kmix window 
is open.  It is fine if kmix is just in the system tray.  I haven't been able 
to figure that one out, but that started with KDE 4.5.1.

KDE 4.5.2 / FreeBSD 8.1 i386 / nvidia driver

- Jason

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