[kde-freebsd] k3b-kde4

Ganael LAPLANCHE ganael.laplanche at martymac.org
Wed Jul 28 16:47:19 CEST 2010


> No objection from my side. k3b-2.0 was released already, but I have no time 
> for it now. You can start from k3b port in area51, request a repocopy from
> k3b to k3b-kde4. I can assist you in tinderboxing and committing the port.

I have a preliminary patch against current k3b-kde4 in area51 that may help you :


K3b 2.0 builds fine on 8.0-STABLE / amd64. Quick tests show that encoding audio
CDs works fine ; I have also been able to RIP one of my DVDs.

Unfortunately, I cannot burn any disc, k3b ending with this error :

Used versions
mkisofs: 2.1.1a79
cdrecord: 2.1.1a79

scsidev: '/dev/cd0'
devname: '/dev/cd0'
scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2
/usr/local/bin/cdrecord: Invalid argument. Open by 'devname' not supported on
this OS. Cannot open or use SCSI driver.
/usr/local/bin/cdrecord: For possible targets try 'cdrecord -scanbus'.
/usr/local/bin/cdrecord: For possible transport specifiers try 'cdrecord dev=help'.

Because using /dev/cd0 is not supported by cdrecord (while dev=0,0,0 would work
fine). This should be fixable by patching libk3b/projects/k3bcdrecordwriter.cpp
(line 231), but I have had no time to dig further into that...

Best regards,

ganael.laplanche at martymac.org

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