[kde-freebsd] Akonadi still fails to start

Jerry kde-freebsd.user at seibercom.net
Sat Jul 3 19:16:53 CEST 2010

On Sun, 4 Jul 2010 03:42:22 +1100
Dima Panov <fluffy at fluffy.khv.ru> articulated:

> Don't use 'root' account with network services.

That was only my last attempt. I have used every user that is allowed
to access MySQL with no success.

> I remember such errors. 
> Try to rebuild redland/raptor/rasqal, soprano, akonadi and kdepim* to keep all of
> them in sync. It's critical. And more - every boost opdate *require* to rebuild 
> akonadi and kdepim* packages.

Been there, done that; however, I will try again this evening.

Jerry ✌
KDE-FreeBSD.user at seibercom.net

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