[kde-freebsd] No office apps currently work under KDE4?

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at chillt.de
Tue Jan 12 22:26:27 CET 2010

> Neither ports appears to allow setting options to build each component. I 
> haven't read the Makefile yet...

I have never used KOffice. But I have OpenOffice.org installed, compiled
it myself from ports and it works for me. The last update to this port
was quite some time ago and I have not recompiled since. Something might
currently be broken - you can ask on the openoffice@ list.

The OpenOffice.org port does not allow components to be built
separately. It is a huge monolithic beast and openoffice@ are busy
enough just keeping it compiling. But if someone stepped forward with a
patch that optionally disabled components, they probably would be

- Bartosz

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