[kde-freebsd] [PATCH] KDE 4.4's Akonadi broken with MySQL 5.1.43 and 5.5.1

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at chillt.de
Sat Feb 20 17:43:50 CET 2010

Heya list

After installing KDE 4.4, I ran into the problem that Akonadi would not
start. With the help of krop on #akonadi, I found the following explanation:

A patch fixing MySQL bug 45058 was committed to MySQL 5.1.43 and 5.5.1
[1]. This was meant to address a race condition but also broke charset
handling somehow, making akonadiserver crash.

Redhat have a patch that reverts this change [2]. Of course, this
reintroduces the race condition but at least it makes Akonadi work again.

The Redhat patch is against MySQL 5.1.43. I successfully applied it to
MySQL 5.5.1 and am happy to report that Akonadi works for me as well now.

Attached is a patch that you can drop into
/usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server/files. Then, rebuild
databases/mysql-client55. The same file should work for MySQL 5.1 as well.

Once Redhat have confirmed that this works for them (or a better patch
has been found), this should be pushed into FreeBSD ports. Otherwise,
anyone upgrading to KDE 4.4 with Akonadi 1.3.1 (and using an up-to-date
MySQL port) will run into problems with Akonadi not starting.

- Bartosz

[1] http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=45058
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=566547#c11
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