[kde-freebsd] FAM-Support (was: High CPU usage (14%) by kdeinit4 in KDE 4.4.2)

Kalum S kalum_slk at gmx.com
Thu Apr 15 12:32:26 CEST 2010

On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 12:21:07 +0200
Hannes <lists_kde-freebsd at soulrebel.in-berlin.de> wrote:

> On a first note: Are you sure it works? Without any fam/gamin
> CPU-usage goes down aswell and everything works (beit it a little
> slower).
> If this actually does work, wouldn't it be good to check if 
> WITH_FAM_SYSTEM is set to fam and than automatically do the below?
> Other ports check this variable...

Sorry, actually it does not work. I tried the patch originally
referenced by

Unfortunately that patch broke things a lot, KDE started stalling for a
lot of time when starting programs etc........

Without FAM/GAMIN KDE is configured to use the polling method to
check for file changes, which allways polls and the CPU is running at
14% eternally. 

Changing the PollInterval and other parameters in the .kderc did not
have any effect. 

FAM on KDE is broken :-( 

I suppose someone will have to rewrite that to use freebsd's native
kernel support for file changes....


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