[kde-freebsd] [SVN Commit] area51

Max Brazhnikov makc at freebsd.org
Thu May 21 15:14:26 CEST 2009

SVN commit 4792 by makc:

Restore hack for qconfig.h -- we need this until Qt will support well grained modular builds.
Remove OPTIONs from qt4-gui ports. By default Qt4 ports builds without nas, cups, qgtktheme.
To enable nas, cups or qgtktheme add to make.conf:
and rebuild both qt4-corelib and qt4-gui ports!
If any change for QT4_OPTIONS both ports must be rebuilt!

 M  +5 -6      Mk/bsd.qt.mk  
 M  +8 -5      devel/qt4-corelib/Makefile  
 D             devel/qt4-corelib/files/qconfig.h.in  
 A             devel/qt4/files/Makefile.options  
 M  +91 -11    devel/qt4/files/extrapatch-configure  
 M  +13 -11    x11-toolkits/qt4-gui/Makefile  

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