[kde-freebsd] kdebase-workspace-4.2.2_1 build (under portupgrade) hangs

Yuri yuri at rawbw.com
Fri Jun 5 19:23:36 CEST 2009

I tried several times, and build hangs with this log:

[ 99%] Built target kdeinit_kmenuedit
Scanning dependencies of target kmenuedit
[ 99%] Building CXX object 
Linking CXX executable kmenuedit
[ 99%] Built target kmenuedit

Here is the relevant part of pstree output:
 |-+= 01253 root login [pam] (login)
 | \-+= 01284 root -bash (bash)
 |   \-+= 26166 root /bin/sh /home/yuri/bin/my-portupgrade
 |     |-+- 26167 root ruby18: portupgrade: [1/15] 
kdebase-workspace-4.2.2_1 (ruby18)
 |     | \-+- 46768 root /usr/bin/script -qa 
/tmp/portupgrade20090605-26167-1q0ngi4-0 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade 
UPGRADE_PORT=kdebase-workspace-4.2.2_1 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=4.2.2_1 make 
 |     |   \-+= 46770 root make FETCH_BEFORE_ARGS=-q
 |     |     \-+- 48464 root [sh]
 |     |       \-+- 48465 root [sh]
 |     |         \-+- 48467 root make -f Makefile -j8 all
 |     |           \-+- 48470 root sh -e
 |     |             \-+- 48472 root make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
 |     |               \-+- 49746 root sh -e
 |     |                 \-+- 49764 root make -f 
 |     |                   \-+- 49770 root sh -e
 |     |                     \-+- 49772 root [automoc4]
 |     |                       \--- 49781 root [automoc4]
 |     \--- 26168 root tee portupgrade.log

pid49781 is in IN+ state.
pid49772 is in SN+ state.


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