[kde-freebsd] devel/py-qt4-dbus not building

Mikhail T. mi+thun at aldan.algebra.com
Sat Jul 11 18:46:54 CEST 2009

Max Brazhnikov написав(ла):
> For some reason configure can't detect dbus and does not generate Makefile for 
> py-qt-dbus module. Just make sure all dependent ports are operational and try 
> again.
All dependent ports are operational -- as far as I can tell, at least.
The KDE3 installation functions fairly well, as does Mozilla and
Thunderbird (gnome-consumers)...

After adding the attached hunk to
/usr/ports/devel/py-qt4-core/files/patch-configure.py, I can make the
next step:

    Checking to see if the dbus support module should be built...
    The Python dbus module doesn't seem to be installed:
    /opt/lib/python2.5/site-packages/_dbus_bindings.so: Undefined symbol
    Qt v4.4.3 free edition is being used.
    SIP 4.7.9 is being used.

I have just rebuilt the py25-dbus-0.83.0_1 (which has not changed since
I last built it in April, BTW), and the problem is still here... It is a
bug in the dbus-module, which is not supposed to compile with undeclared
symbols, but the port ought to catch this...

Gentoo have gone through the same issue in February:


The fixed it by requiring dbus to be of version 1.1.1 or higher, rather
than settling for 1.0.0 (which does not have the symbol):


The py25-dbus-0.83.0_1, however, does not depend on the dbus directly...
It, probably, should:

    --- Makefile    27 Jul 2008 17:40:24 -0000 1.34
    +++ Makefile    11 Jul 2009 16:44:19 -0000
    @@ -19,4 +19,5 @@
     LIB_DEPENDS=   dbus-glib-1.2:${PORTSDIR}/devel/dbus-glib
    +BUILD_DEPENDS= dbus>=1.1.1:${PORTSDIR}/devel/dbus
     USE_GNOME= gnomehack gnometarget

With this, the proper error is displayed:

    ===>   py25-dbus-0.83.0_1 depends on package: dbus>=1.1.1 - not found
    ===>   Found dbus-1.0.2_2, but you need to upgrade to dbus>=1.1.1.

... Yours,


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