[kde-freebsd] KDE 4.2 and FreeBSD 6.4 Support

Martin Wilke miwi at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jan 30 13:35:48 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Howdy Guys,

KDE 4.2 is more or less ready for testing, but we have some
open tasks before we will officially call for testing. We would
like to know how many people are still using KDE4 on FreeBSD 6.4?
We are considering dropping support for 6.x.

Let me explain.

First of all it is sad to say, but currently there are only 2
people who actively work on KDE4. It is _really_ hard work to
get KDE4 ready for FreeBSD. Also it is getting harder to build
KDE4 with gcc 3.x. Of couse if somebody want to support KDE4
on 6.x you are welcome to our team! Try to compile KDE, make
patches and push them upstream! So, in order to move forward
we may have to drop 6.x support. We just don't have the manpower
to build multiple versions.

Ok, enough for the moment. What do you think about
6.4 support?

- - Martin

- -- 

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