[kde-freebsd] kipi-plugins-kde4 port ready for testing

Kris Moore kris at pcbsd.com
Sat Jan 24 00:40:26 CET 2009

Max Brazhnikov wrote:
> On Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:22:58 -0500, Kris Moore wrote:
>> Attached is a new port for graphics/ which builds the KDE4 version of
>> kipi-plugins. I've built and tested it with KDE 4.2 Beta2 here, and it
>> seems to work fine. If others would like to check if out and comment,
>> that would be great.
>> Just one note of weirdness with it, that maybe somebody more "port
>> experienced" can help me with:
>> When it builds, you may see some warnings that it couldn't find
>> libkdcraw, libkexiv2, and libkipi. On my system it still builds and
>> works, but I did some digging to find out how to fix this. I found that
>> in the /usr/local/libdata/pkgconfig/ directory, if you do a "ls *kde4*"
>> you'll see these files:
>> libkdcraw-kde4.pc libkexiv2-kde4.pc libkipi-kde4.pc
>> These are the only ones with the -kde4 extension. What's weird, if I
>> create sym-links to each, dropping the -kde4 extension, then build the
>> port, it finds all those just fine now.
>> ln -s libkdcraw-kde4.pc libkdcraw.pc
>> (ditto for other two)
>> Is this something I'm doing wrong in the port, or should these package
>> config files not have the -kde4 extension?
> These files have been renamed to avoid conflict with kde3 version. Therefore 
> kde4 ports which depend on libkdcraw,  libkexiv or/and libkipi should be 
> patched to use correct version of these libraries.
> Cheers,
> Max

Ahh, thanks for the clarification on this. I've tinkered with the 
CMakeLists.txt for this port, but I can't seem to find a way to force it 
to use -kde4 when it looks for the package config files. Is there an 
easier way to do this?

If I'm following it correctly, isn't cmake using 
/usr/local/kde4/share/apps/cmake/modules/FindKipi.cmake and the others 
to determine if its installed? Should those be updated to have it look 
for the package config files with the -kde4 extension?


Kris Moore
PC-BSD Software

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